images/I%20drop%20all%20judgment%20and%20choose%20clarity%20and%20understanding.jpg#joomlaImage://local-images/I drop all judgment and choose clarity and understanding.jpg?width=1920&height=1080

Choosing clarity and understanding helps us to drop judgment.

Judgment is what keeps us stuck and going around in circles.  Opinions are judgments and are declarations about how we see the world.

Sometimes we have been viewing a situation, a person or group of people one way for so long, we don't even realize that we are in judgment. 

Judgment is a form of fear. It's that uneasy feeling or knot in the pit of our stomach. It's that aching anxiety pulls us into a downward spiral. 

Judgment clouds our thinking and closes our hearts.  It's about I am right and you are wrong, I am good and you are bad, I know what's best and you do not.

Dropping judgment is a choice. It's like holding a penny in our hand and choosing to let it fall to the ground.

When we choose to drop judgment, we free ourselves to experience more love. It's about trusting in the benevolence of the universe and letting go of the old.

Clarity and understanding open us to seeing that person, group or situation is a new light, without dragging around the past and without hanging onto the way it's always been. 

Clarity and understanding open us up to new possibilities within ourselves.  We don't have to think as we have previously thought.  We don't have to act as we have previously done.  We don't have to feel as we have previously felt.

That's liberating.