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Unity and harmony are about removing feelings of separation from our lives.  It's about expanding our sphere of belonging.

Being attuned is like moving the radio dial to what we are choosing to connect with. 

Being attuned to unity is about feeling the Oneness of all life; feeling at one with the nature, our friends and loved ones, our community, our nation, all of humanity, the world at large.

When we are in unity consciousness, there is no 'us' and 'them'. Barriers, prejudices, and biases drop away. We feel at peace.

Harmony is akin to the feeling of a song we really love, that opens us up and spills over as joy into our day. Discord falls away. We smile.

Unity and harmony together open us up to a new way of being, one that is rarely reflected in the daily news, but can be experienced within us as starting point to one day be reflected everywhere in the world around us.

The lack of harmony and unity inside of us is reflected in the world at large.  When we chose to experience more harmony and unity within, that helps to have it reflected in the lives around us.

Choosing to tune our radio dial to unity and harmony makes sense.  If we desire peace on earth, we need to start by harmonizing everything within us.