About Me

Meet Arlene

Hello and welcome to Jewel Consultancy.

I am an A-V Rated Attorney (highest), a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation, a Work-Life Balance Coach for Women, a Coach-Facilitator with Ingomu helping corporate employees and university students boost their confidence and self-esteem, a Transformational Healing Mentor for Men and Women, and the CEO of Jewel Consultancy.

I started my solo practice as an attorney three years out of law school in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio and immediately discovered that I was pregnant with my son.  I’ve been a working mother as a married, divorced, and re-married woman, and have always been the primary caretaker.

When my son was nine, I sold my law practice in Cleveland, moved to a suburb of Denver, Colorado, and became a partner in a small boutique law firm. 

I’ve known the joys and challenges of being a working mother with businesses that demanded a lot of my time and attention while choosing to take care of myself and be the best mother I could be.  I’ve made mistakes and worked with all kinds of skills, tools, and ways of Being to bring more balance and harmony to my life.

As a grandmother and mother with a lot more wisdom and experience under her belt, I am passionate about helping women in the workforce who are seeking more work-life harmony and balance, a life that meets their needs and the needs of the important people in their life, a life where they experience less stress and more patience, kindness, and peace, a life where they feel more contentment and joy.

As previously mentioned, I offer Transformational Healing & Heart Alchemy Mentoring to help men and women heal themselves from the inside out; learning how to fill themselves with the unconditional love they need to let go of fears and judgments that have been holding them back and keeping them small.

Also as a Mentor, I offer individual Soul Readings as well as group Soul Readings at social and business gatherings, parties, and events. Soul Readings offer people from all walks of life a rich, healing journey into a bigger perspective of what matters:  the opportunities open to them and how to best take advantage of them; the support available to reach their goals and create the life they desire; and the simple tools and skills they need to manifest the clearest, brightest future.

In terms of my credentials and experience:

I am an expert at negotiating and communicating from the heart. I have successfully structured and monitored thousands of settlements and have helped people from all walks of life to communicate more authentically and effectively.

I am experienced and skilled at helping people reduce stress, anxiety, overwhelm and burnout while building the confidence and self-esteem they need to embrace positive change.

My training as a meditation facilitator coupled with my 15+ year daily yoga practice brings a calming, nurturing presence to my coaching and mentoring sessions, where my clients feel free to relax, be themselves and be as they are in the moment.

I facilitate virtual group coaching sessions to boost the confidence and self-esteem of corporate employees and university students through Ingomu, the national coaching company mentioned above, with documented exemplary results.

I am committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and had the pleasure of facilitating the Ethics Module for Meditation Facilitators and Yoga Instructors in training at Refresh Yoga for 7+ years. I also served as a Senior Coach, Facilitator, and Mentor for Coaches in training at the Global Coaching Academy, an International Coaching Federation Level 2 Coaching School, for many years.

I bring a wealth of training and experience to help my clients compassionately and wholeheartedly lead themselves and create the life that works and feels right to them.

I have a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Emory University, a Juris Doctor from the University of Kentucky College of Law, a Cert IV in Coaching & Mentoring from the Global Coaching Academy, and a Diploma of Transformational Holistic Counseling in Australia. I am also a Certified Meditation Facilitator and recipient of the prestigious President’s Cup for lifetime service with the Commercial Law League of America.

At the Commercial Law League of America, I served in many leadership positions, including Chair of the Creditors' Rights Section, Chair of the Western Region, Arrangements Chair for the Western Meeting for five years, and Board Representative for the Creditors' Rights Section. 

My passion for coaching and mentoring, my education, training, and experience, and the wisdom from the work-life challenges and victories in my life and the ones I've coached and mentored, flows through everything I do and All That I Am in life.

I leave you with this: Stay true to your heart and never give up. 

Give yourself a beautiful gift: a 45-Minute Discovery Session.

Warm regards, Arlene Cohen Miller, JD PCC        Coach, Mentor & Facilitator


And, please check out our free Work-Life Balance blog articles



Recalibrate to Kindness & Love