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What gets in the way of reaching achieving our goals? 

Here’s a big one that used to trip me up in my youth, being anti-something. I can remember wearing a t-shirt that said, “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.”  I had some pretty angry, blaming moments during my teens.

What I learned is when you focus on what you don’t want, you get more of what we don’t want.

Remember the anti-war movement in the 1960’s?  Same thing.  Being against the Vietnam War was actually putting energy into keeping it going. The protestors could have had a bigger impact sooner by being pro-peace.

What can we do? It’s simple.  Focus on and align to what you want to create. So instead of being anti-fracking, be pro-environment.  Instead of being anti-plastic, be pro-hemp.

And aligning to what you want to create, your vision and goals, is bigger than just focusing on it. Aligning to means that everything you think, feel, say and do, supports your focus and you see it as if it’s already a reality now.  That’s a big one. Everything.

How do we do that?  You probably know about writing down your vision and goals and reading them every day.  That’s a good one. Just make sure you write everything in first person, present tense.  “I am now creating a client base of 100 people who align with my vision and ideals and love working with me.”  “I am now creating a customer base of 5000 people who are buying and loving my new book, a base that is growing by 400 people each month.”

It can be really simple.

When I was a young attorney, a successful solo practitioner told me that every year he wrote down how much money he was going to make and put that figure in the top drawer of his desk so he would see it every day, and it worked.  He didn’t say so, but I saw him giving his best to his clients, being focused and fully present, setting his alignment and then putting all of himself, his heart and soul, into his work.

Here’s another idea that’s worked for me: television commercials; you visualize and feel your own.  Spend 5 or 10 minutes a day visualizing your personal, professional, and spiritual goals.   What do they look like, feel like and sound like? How do you feel?

If you can daydream and get lost in your thoughts, you have the creative juices to make your own commercials.  Be proactive about what you want.  Focus on and align to what you are choosing to create.  Keep it simple.