images/Keep%20Going%20After%20the%20Initial%20Thrill%20is%20Gone.jpg#joomlaImage://local-images/Keep Going After the Initial Thrill is Gone.jpg?width=1920&height=1315

Successful people are persistent.  It's a vital key to your success!  Persistence is about having the tenacity and self-determination to keep going after the initial thrill is gone.

I have a friend, an amazing artist, and he is the master of starting projects; and he has a studio filled with paintings that have been calling to him to finish for years.  Being excited and enthusiastic is only just the beginning. Most people give up at the first sign of opposition or misfortune. 

"I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games.

Twenty-six times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed."

Michael Jordan

"Success is stumbling from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." 

Winston Churchill

Every failure is the seed of an equivalent success.  Defeat is only a temporary experience.   It's up to you to adjust your attitude and carry on, even in face of opposition or adversity.  No one is going to do it for you!

Persistence is a state of being. This is hopeful.  It means that if you aren't persistent, if you procrastinate and let things slide, you can turn things around.  Being persistent is a choice that you can make in any moment. 

If it’s easier to be persistent with the help of others.  Surround yourself with at least one person who unwaveringly supports your cause, who encourages and uplifts you.  Be passionate about your goals.  Attune your mind to what you want to create. And cultivate the eight qualities of persistence:

definiteness of purpose

desire, self-reliance

definiteness of plans

accurate knowledge





Definiteness of Purpose

Clearly define exactly what you want to accomplish, by when and what you intend to give back in return. It is by giving that we receive; be ready and willing to deliver the kind of products and services that you would be grateful to receive.


Cultivate a burning desire to achieve your purpose, a motivation to succeed that impels you ever forward to action aspiring to be and do your best.


Know that you can and will carry out your plans; be decisive. Meet and overcome or circumvent any opposition that arises. Accept responsibility for your mistakes and for the mistakes of those who work for you. If unfavorable circumstances arise, rise above them. Do what needs to be done. Avoid shortcuts that involve trying to get something for nothing.

Definiteness of Plans

Have definite, organized, written plans. Face issues squarely as they arise. Be proactive, accountable, and decisive. Assume complete responsibility for your project or goal. Move on ideas and opportunities as they present; seize the moment.

Accurate Knowledge

Don’t rely on guessing or assumptions. Research your plans and know them to be sound. Acquire specialized knowledge or surround yourself with people who have the specialized knowledge you need to succeed.


Together is better.   Work with people who understand and support your goals; harmony and cooperation are key.

Will Power

Be self-determining. Focus upon the object of your desire and action needed to achieve your goal.


Be persistent. Dissolve your fear of failure or fear of success by engaging in repeated acts of courage.  Dissolve your fear of criticism by closing your mind to all negative and discouraging influences, including the negative comments and suggestions of family and friends.  Unfortunately, they can be the worst offenders. 

You may have to nod your head in all the right places or stop hanging around them so much; do what you need to do to maintain a positive can-do attitude and keep moving forward.  The more persistent you are, the more you will have faith in yourself and faith in what you are choosing to accomplish.  Faith is the antidote to failure!


Good luck and keep going with upcast eyes and irrepressible enthusiasm.