
Feeling unworthy is a huge block to our success, to feeling loved and a heartfelt content with who we are and how we are living and enjoying our life. 

And the amazing thing that no one tells us is that worthiness is a choice. We can choose to feel worthy and be worthy of love, success, and a wonderful life.

What’s in the way is patterning and programming that we’ve taken on that feeds our inner critic, that reminds us of why we can’t do something, of when we failed or make mistakes, of when we were less than perfect.

Worthiness is about being glad to be who we are and not wanting to be anyone else, not thinking anyone else’s life is more desirable than ours. 

Worthiness is about taking up space, not contracting and playing small, expanding and being the best we can be in any given moment, still knowing that there will always be a better way and always room for ever-growing and expanding improvement.

Worthiness is about loving ourselves as we are, warts and all.

We know and accept that we are not perfect and that we make mistakes. We acknowledge our mistakes and use them as opportunities to expand and grow. 

Worthiness is about loving and approving of ourselves we are and will always be a work in progress, and yet we still deserve all the beauty, wonder and joy that life has to offer. 

Worthiness is about being kind to self, being an inner coach, championing, acknowledging, and encouraging ourselves.

People that know that they are worthy of love, success and the best life has to offer are kind to themselves physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. 

They love and take care of their bodies. They see the imperfections and are mindful to drink pure water, get enough sleep and eat foods that are filled with love and provide the nourishment needed in the moment.

They love and take care of themselves emotionally.  They feel their feelings, no matter how painful or difficult, holding them in a space of gratitude, acceptance and love and let them go, allowing more unconditional love and higher to fill them up.

They know that avoiding and denying their emotions and feelings, that pushing them away will only cause more pain, harm, and heartache in the long run, and that there is no time like now.

They love taking care of themselves mentally.  They choose to be aware of negative thoughts and ways of thinking that they’ve taken on from others or chosen themselves and find ways to let them go.

They choose to say no to the inner critic and yes to their inner coach as a constant and continuous ongoing process, ever mindful to be humble and aware of negative influences within and around them.

They love taking care of themselves spiritually, filling themselves up with love, loving the kids and teens inside of them that got frozen in time with life happening and need their guidance, love and encouragement. 

They love nourishing the mind, body, and soul on an ongoing basis. 

Most of us have areas in our life where we feel worthy and others not so much.

We may feel worthy and competent in business, at work or in our professional life and not worthy in terms of personal, romantic relationships.

We may feel worthy in terms of our body, being athletic, healthy, and strong, and not worthy in terms of artistic endeavors.

If we don’t feel worthy on any level or in any realm such as the business world, in relationships or regarding the quality of our life we can work with creative visualization and practice taking one small step forward at a time. 

We can give ourselves permission to feel uncomfortable.

We can choose to keep showing up and giving it a go. 

We can choose over and over again to step over the line into worthiness and allows ourselves to visualize and feel that alternative, available reality of our world and our life.

Remember and affirm:

I am glad to be me.

I am happy to take up space.

I approve of myself.

I am kind to myself.

I love myself.