
We get so busy and allow ourselves to feel so stressed that we forget to be grateful for all the foundational elements of gratitude in in our lives

The roof over our heads, the hot showers, the car that gets us from here to there, the food that’s always available in our fridge and pantry

The delicious meals that we eat, the sink to keep our dishes clean, the washer and dryer to enjoy clean sheets, towels and clothes, the comfortable bed to rest our body

The friends and family that love us and we shower with love. 

The list could on and on. 

How often do we stop and choose to be grateful for all the basics and all the love in our life?

Gratitude is a key to manifestation.

True heartfelt gratitude raises us up and enables us to let go of the stuff that we allow to affect us and drag us down. 

What we focus on is what we draw more of into our lives. 

Imagine how different our lives would be if we took moments during every day to be grateful for what we have and who we love.

We can affirm: 

I am grateful for all the blessings in my life.

Gratitude is a choice.

We can choose to focus on what's not working, what we don't have, what others have that we want.

Or we can choose to focus on all the blessings right there in front of us now.

That's empowering and hopeful.

I choose gratitude as my state of Being.