images/I%20flood%20my%20heart%20with%20love%20I%20am%20worthy%20of%20love.jpg#joomlaImage://local-images/I flood my heart with love I am worthy of love.jpg?width=1920&height=1276

Worthiness is a big issue in our society.

We are repeatedly given told that we are not worthy: that we are not thin enough, rich enough, successful enough, smart enough and so on.

We've got to stop waiting to feel worthy and just choose it!

Look at the advertising campaigns on television and social media. 

They pander to fear, saying that our self-worth is determined from the outside.

This is a lie.  We are not worthy because of the car we drive, the clothes we wear, the schools we attend, the degrees we have, the job we hold, the size of our home or the wealth of our friends.  These are all temporal.  We can't take them with us when we die.

We are all worthy from the inside out, not the outside in.

We have all made mistakes which, in hindsight, would have handled differently. That's part of life.

Our mistakes don't make us unworthy of love.

Even if we've caused harm, it just means we have a mess to clean up.  We can do that.  We can learn and grow from our experiences.  It's a choice.Choosing to love ourselves is the key. It's not selfish to first love ourselves.  It's the foundation we need to love another.

Our cup of love is so full, it overflows to share with others.

We no longer feel like we are running on empty and need someone or something else to fill us up.  We no longer feel the need to look outside of ourselves for love, when we are love ourselves.

It's much more self-empowering to fill our own buckets with love and then to share the overflow with everyone else in our lives.