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You want more clients?  Your Golden Key to Success may not be what you think. It's missing in so many interactions nowadays; and when you encounter it, it's like a breath of fresh air.  What am I talking about is humility.

Humility goes a long way when it comes to attracting and keeping clients. There’s no bigger turn off than dealing with someone who is arrogant or full of themselves, someone who is a know-it-all and refuses to listen.

So, what is humility?

Humility is about acknowledging how far you’ve come while recognizing how far you still have to go; it’s about accepting where you are at, warts and all, while being kind to yourself.  We are all works in progress.

How can we be more humble?

Be genuinely self-effacing. That's endearing. Know that you are good at what you do without flaunting it. Enjoy helping others without any pretense of being better than, with simply a willingness to serve. 

Be genuinely likable. If you are humble and likable, then you will be a pleasure to deal with, and people will feel that you have their back.  Make it easy for people to be in your presence without being a doormat.  Create a drama-free zone.  When people are with you, they know that you won't make a mountain out of a mole hill or dump your problems on them or judge them or be a drama queen. 

Know that you are worthy of success. When you are humble, you have nothing to prove. When you feel worthy of having clients that love to do business with you, when you feel worthy of receiving all the abundance that is coming your way, again in genuine humility, people will enjoy working with you.

 Breathe deeply, slow down and relax. When you are calm and assured, people will relax in your presence and enjoy being with you. 

Be grateful for what you have. Gratitude is a golden key to success. Take stock of your life, all the people that love and care about you, your friends and family, your home and possessions, your health and the ease and comfort in which you live, the things you get to do, everything and anything you may have taken for granted.  When you are grateful for what you have, when you drop any feelings of entitlement or being better or worse than anybody else, when you breathe and take time to enjoy your life, when you value your uniqueness and what you bring to the table, humility is possible.

Cultivate humility and notice the grace, ease and flow that enriches your life; notice how people are naturally attracted to working with you.