images/Benefits%20of%20Heartfelt%20Coaching%20Presence.jpg#joomlaImage://local-images/Benefits of Heartfelt Coaching Presence.jpg?width=1280&height=852

Replacing patterns and programs from childhood and beyond that drag our clients down and cause them to contract takes awareness, a commitment to change and lots of and lots of practice with new ways of Being.

It also takes wrapping their loving arms around the bits of them that feel abandoned, rejected, and betrayed, that feel lost and alone.  As the parent to these kids, teens, and younger adults inside of them, they are the ones that have that special formula of love, nurturance, and support to create lasting transformation and positive change.

As a coach, we don’t delve into the past.  We focus on how our clients’ patterns and programs are affecting them now.  For example, if a client believes and espouses that all men will love her intensely and then cheat on her and leave, she may be creating that scenario over and over in her life. 

The Law of Attraction is in part about:  What we focus on is what we create in our lives. 

Holding a loving, supporting coaching presence for our clients to explore such patterns and programs as they are ready to do so is key.  Sometimes, it’s about noticing something that’s happening now, sharing it with the client and handing our intuition or comments back to the client to ponder, accept, reject and/or respond.  Sometimes it’s asking questions that give them the opportunity to delve more deeply into what’s going on for them. 

In any case, we must be mindful not to drop into mentoring, consulting, or counseling as coaches while being fully present, non-judgmental, and engaged with the client without any attachment to where the client lands by the end of our engagement or during any coaching session. 

I’m often amazed that having no attachment to or expectations as to outcomes is where the magic happens.   What I think the client should realize or where I think the client should end up cannot enter into the equation.  This negates their internal compass, which I have been shown time and time again is far superior to anything that I decide in my mind.

This heartfelt mindset and my experiences as a coach has inspired me to share what you may already know from your own coaching experiences. 

How does it resonate with you or not? What could you add to make this sharing more complete?