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Breathing is one of the primary signs of life. It is more important to us than almost anything else. If we need proof, we can ask ourselves the question, ‘Which am I willing to go without for an hour – breath, water, sunlight or food?’

Breathing has another significant function. It is a barometer read by our subconscious mind in an ongoing evaluation of our current life situation. When we feel threatened, we hold our breath or breathe shallowly. When we feel at peace we breathe fully and slowly.

Full, slow breathing sends a message of serenity to our body even when we are stressed, making it a simple, gentle yet powerful stress management tool.


Simple Breathing Techniques 

One simple breathing technique is to breathe in through the nose and out through the nose, with the out breath longer than the in breath.  When the out breath is longer, it signals the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system to relax, release, soften and let go.  It tells the body that it's safe and secure. 

Another simple breathing technique is to breath in through the nose and out through the mouth with a sigh, a deep "ahhhh" sound.  This is a great way to let go of your day, to release the anxiety and stress that you've been carrying around in your body and just let go. 

Another breathing technique is to breathe in through the nose and out through the nose with no pause between the in breath and out breath.  This technique is called Conscious Connected Breathing.  As we breathe in, before our lungs are full, we breathe out, and and we breath out before our lungs are empty, we breathe in. It becomes a beautiful cycle. 

As we focus on our breath and oxygenate our bodies, it's no problem is we have thoughts.  Just visualize and see your thoughts and big white fluffy clouds passing before you in a beautiful blue sky.  We see and acknowledge them and let them go. 

We can practice these breathing techniques anywhere, anytime.  As we make them a part of our lives, we retrain our body to let go of stress and to welcome calm assurance as an ongoing state of being.

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Other people’s opinions are none of our business. Unless what they are saying helps us to make love a priority, it’s not important. 

Opinions are judgments.  Usually, they are simply a reflection of where someone is at or what they are dealing with and have nothing to do with us. 

It’s important to protect ourselves so we are not thrown off track by someone else’s opinion.  When someone tries to force their opinion on us, they project negative streams of energy at us that can throw us off balance. We can protect ourselves by visualizing and feeling that we are surrounded by a golden bubble of protection that is filled with golden healing light.  We can affirm that we are only open to unconditional love and above.

Judgments are in the fear vibration and are not about love.  We can affirm that anything that is not about love is returned to its original source with love.   Thus, we are choosing to feel worthy of giving and receiving love.

We don’t have to share what we are thinking, feeling, and doing.  We can simply smile and nod our head in all the right places.  It’s usually easier to deflect judgment without offering an explanation or ‘making a scene’. When we choose love, say ‘no’ to fear and don’t engage in other people’s opinions, it’s easier to enjoy what life has to offer.

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