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Whether you are the head of a division, are an officer or run your own company . . . being a good leader is probably important to you.

Leadership is so much more than regular performance evaluations and making sure that projects are completed on time. It’s about getting to know and fully utilizing the strengths, talents, gifts, and skills of the people under your charge and care.

Yes, the team’s success is your success. But it’s no longer just about you, it’s a ‘we’ thing, something you create together. Team members can raise each other up and be so much more together than they could be working alone.

And one bad apple can spoil the bunch. So,

How do you raise your team up?

How do you inspire and motivate them to be and do their best?

How do you help them to work together in harmony and unity?


Key 1: It’s not about you!

First, get out of the way and focus on your team.  Pulling together a great team is like learning to pay the guitar. At first it takes a lot of time, hours of practice. It’s always on your mind; you think, visualize and dream about playing the guitar until it becomes a part of who you are.  So it is with your team, it takes time, energy, focus and attention to get it running smoothly and to keep it going after that.


Key 2: Capitalize on untapped strengths and abilities.

You must discover each person’s strengths, talents, gifts, and skills so you can put them to good use.  How do you do this? Keep it simple. Ask open-ended questions and be genuinely curious. Be fully present and really listen to and take in what they share, noticing what they don’t say, as well.

You can send out a questionnaire and then meet with each person to talk about what they’ve shared. If you are don’t have the time or feel that a neutral professional, like a coach, would work better then hire one.

You can ask them questions:

What skills or abilities do you have that could help the team?

What are you really good at or love to do that we are not taking advantage of?

What responsibilities do you like the least? Which ones do you enjoy the most?

What do you need to succeed that you’re not getting?

Then what? If some people could use a mentor, match them with one. If some people need further training, get it for them, if possible. If some changes need to happen within the team, collaborate with your team members and make it so.


Key 3: Be Available & Hold People Accountable

Be available. That’s what your people need, not endless meetings with lots of questions to answer.  Get to know your people. Don’t smother or micro-manage them. Just treat everyone with dignity and respect; appreciate and be grateful for what everyone brings to the mix.

Hold you team collectively and individually accountable. You can do this by being a responsible, dependable, trustworthy leader.

Your people need to know that if they make a mistake, they can come to you to find a solution.  Support them. Don’t expect or demand perfection. Give them room to be creative, to bring their inspiration and uniqueness to the group, making sure they feel safe to speak up.

Remember to be adaptable.  Change is constant and inevitable. Be humble.  Know your strengths, don’t flaunt them.  Know your weakness and work on raising them up. 

Be willing to learn and grow from others; that makes you accessible, real and accountable, someone people like to be around.