images/moated-castle-4529902_1280.jpg#joomlaImage://local-images/moated-castle-4529902_1280.jpg?width=1280&height=852It’s important to set clear and appropriate boundaries with the people we contact and interact with in our day-to-day life.  

How do you set boundaries? Do you set boundaries based on how you are feeling? 

For example, you are feeling really great and happy and loving, so your boundaries are wide open because you are feeling great.  This is a big mistake.  If you set your boundaries based upon how you feel, then someone can come along who is angry, upset, in reaction, projecting and knock you over with their energy.  Then you will tell yourself that it’s not safe to be open and shut down. 

The masterful way to set your boundaries, the way to set your boundaries that involves the most self-love and self-care, is to set your boundaries based upon how the other person is. That’s right, you set your boundaries based upon how loving the other person is. 

If the other person is open and loving, then you can allow your boundaries to relax a little bit and be genuinely more open with this person.  If the other person is not in love, but in some kind of fear, is anxious, frustrated, angry or upset, then you toughen up your boundaries, so your system is not polluted by their fear.  

So, the other person is holding a space of love, one of kindness and/or compassion, you can open up more; the other person is holding a space of anger and frustration, self-righteousness and superiority, you strengthen your boundaries and keep the less than love energies out. 

Our boundaries that we set for ourselves are porous.  The love comes in and touches our heart, the less than love is lovingly mirrored back to its source. Thanks, but no thank you to that energy.  We have enough to deal with without taking on the negative energies of others; and you will feel markedly better, more solid, confident and in your heart, when you are not dealing with the negativity and energy pollution of others!

Keep on loving and respecting yourself, as this will make you more fit for service, more able to share your gifts, talents, and abilities with the world!