There’s all kinds of life hacks and mom hacks about how we can be more efficient, how we can make more time and streamline our lives.

And that’s great. 

We can appreciate and use all suggestions that give us more time and make our lives easier.  So, thank you to all the wonderful people with real-time, grounded suggestions like online grocery shopping and having our food delivered to us. 

It does make a difference. It is helpful.

And work-life balance is so much more than concrete ways of organizing ourselves to reduce stress. 

It’s a feeling thing. 

We can apply all the hacks in the world, but if we still feel exhausted, frustrated, and overwhelmed, we need more; we need a better way.

Part of this better way is saying no to guilt for taking time to exercise, connect with friends, and do something that rejuvenates us.  We need to be able to engage in ‘me time’ in a way that lifts us up, so that self-defeating habits that don’t serve us can fall away.

Recalibrating to kindness and love expands our horizons on all levels.  It opens us up to more beauty and joy.  It gives us a deeper appreciation of all the connection and love in our lives.  It helps us to be and do our best in a way that takes the wholeness of life into account.  

If we don’t take the time to walk, run, exercise, take a bath, talk to a friend, breathe, let go and be with ourselves or people that understand us and we connect with, we’re going to burn out; we’re not going to be good for ourselves or others. 

We can’t be everything to everybody all the time. It doesn't work.

It’s not selfish to incorporate self-love and self-care habits that fill us up, give us the strength, tenacity, and willingness to endure in a heartfelt way whatever life presents.

So, what are your daily and weekly self-love, self-care habits?  How do you breathe and give yourself the time and space to be you, to recharge your batteries and refresh your outlook on life?

For me three-minute hot showers seem to wash away the day and leave me feeling refreshed. I also love yoga, walking, hiking and being in nature, appreciating her beauty.  What about you?

So many say, "I don't have time".  Perhaps the time is there, if we choose it. Stop scrolling on social media, zoning out on Netflix, or playing games online. 

Start giving back to yourself.  Make your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing a priority in a way that serves you.  Join a group with the same aspirations and goals to support and champion yourself.

It’s easier together. It can be hard road alone.

Set reachable goals, put your heart into it, and start by taking one small step forward and then another, acknowledging yourself and every small victory along the way. 

Remember it’s not the destination, it’s the journey that counts.  Allow your self-care, self-love journey to be enjoyable, to fill your cup up with acceptance and love until it’s full and overflowing. 

Work-life balance is an ongoing journey where we need to be flexible, adaptable, and real with ourselves.  If we don’t make time for ourselves now, we could be forced to make time later. 

We’re naturally more kind, patient and tolerant with our kids and family when we give to ourselves.

Recalibrating to kindness and love refreshes our work-life balance.  It enables us to give from a full and overflowing heart.